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Schnorr Adaptor Signature

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What it is

An adaptor signature scheme is a signing algorithm that’s bound to a secret value and carried out in two steps. While creating the signature, an incomplete, partial signature is generated which can be adapted into a full, valid signature by incorporating a secret value. The secret value can be recovered by getting access to the partial- and full signature.

Adaptor signatures are useful in the Blockchain space as they allow for the implementation of ”Scriptless Scripts”. Those “scripts” are a set of rules that can be implemented by solely relying on the existence of a digital signature verification mechanism which is a fundamental requirement for any Blockchain.

As an example, one can use adaptor signatures to implement ”Atomic Swaps”, a mechanism by which two parties who don’t trust each other can exchange digital currencies with one another. The way this would work is that the secret value that turns a partial signature into a full signature is leaked when Party A posts a valid transaction on Blockchain #1 to move funds from Party B to Party A. Party B can then use the leaked secret to turn a partial signature to move funds on Blockchain #2 from Party A to Party B into a full, valid signature.

How it works

Given that this post describes adaptor signatures based on Schnorr Signatures, it’s useful to have a basic understanding of those two concepts before continuing.

As a quick recap, an adaptor signature is characterized by four different operations:

  1. PreSign which generates a partial signature that’s bound to a secret
  2. PreVerify which allows one to verify that a partial signature was computed correctly
  3. Adapt which turns a partial signature into a valid, full signature
  4. Extract which allows for the recovery of the secret value given the partial- and full signature

An adaptor signature scheme also requires a statement / witness pair for a hard relation RR which in our case is that of the discrete logarithm on Elliptic Curves (ECDLP). Given a value T=tGT = tG it’s computationally infeasible to recover tt from TT. In this case the witness that needs to be kept secret would be tt whereas the statement that can be shared publicly is T=tGT = tG.

As alluded to above, we’ll be working with an Elliptic Curve EE that is of order qq and has a generator GG. All calculations are done mod q\bmod\ q if not stated otherwise.

The scenario described here is that Alice who knows the statement TT and witness tt wants Bob to sign her message mm. Bob on the other hand doesn’t just simply want to sign Alice’s message mm with his private key xx. He wants to be able to learn Alice’s witness tt which might be useful for him in future interactions (e.g. when both of them engage in an ”Atomic Swap” protocol as briefly described above).


As a first step, Alice generates her statement / witness pair by randomly sampling a value for her witness tt from Zq\mathbb{Z}_q. She then multiplies tt by the generator GG to derive the statement TT.

t$Zqt \overset{{\scriptscriptstyle\$}}{\leftarrow} \mathbb{Z}_q T=tGT = tG

Bob follows similar steps to generate his private- and public key pair. He samples a random value xx from Zq\mathbb{Z}_q which is his private key. He then multiplies xx by the generator GG to derive the public key.

x$Zqx \overset{{\scriptscriptstyle\$}}{\leftarrow} \mathbb{Z}_q X=xGX = xG

Alice then sends the message mm she wants to get a signature for alongside her statement TT to Bob.


Bob now generates an incomplete, partial signature that’s not valid according to the Schnorr Signature verification algorithm but can be verified for correctness by Alice.

As a first step, he generates a random, secret nonce value rr which he then multiplies by the generator GG to derive a publicly shareable nonce value RR. It’s important that rr is kept private and is never reused.

r$Zqr \overset{{\scriptscriptstyle\$}}{\leftarrow} \mathbb{Z}_q R=rGR = rG

In a regular Schnorr Signature Bob would now create a commitment to his public key XX, the nonce RR and the message mm by computing c=H(XRm)c = H(X \mathbin\Vert R \mathbin\Vert m) (where HH is a cryptographic hash function).

This however would already be a part of a valid Schnorr Signature. To it into an incomplete, partial signature Bob adds Alice’s statement TT to RR.

c=H(XR+Tm)c = H(X \mathbin\Vert R + T \mathbin\Vert m)

He also computes the second part of the Schnorr Signature as the challenge cc he just generated multiplied by his private key xx which is added to the nonce rr.

e=r+cxe' = r + cx

Bob now obtained an incomplete, partial signature comprised of the values cc and ee' which he sends to Alice alongside his public key XX.


Once Alice received cc, ee' and XX she calculates RR' and cc' as follows.

R=eGcXR' = e'G - cX c=H(XR+Tm)c' = H(X \mathbin\Vert R' + T \mathbin\Vert m)

She then validates if the partial signature she received from Bob was correctly computed by comparing his value cc to the cc' she calculated herself.

c=?cc' \overset{?}{=} c

The partial signature was correctly computed if both values are the same.


If the partial signature is valid, Alice can turn it into a full signature by adding her witness tt to ee'.

e=e+te = e' + t


Once Alice shares the full, valid signature publicly Bob can extract Alice’s witness tt using the partial signature he generated and the full signature Alice just shared.

t=eet = e - e'

Schnorr Adaptor Signature

Why it works

The key ingredient that turns a regular Schnorr Signature into an adaptor signature is the usage of the statement TT and its witness tt in the calculation of cc and ee.


To create a partial signature that only verifies if the witness tt is incorporated, we adapted the generation of cc to include the statement TT by adding it to the public nonce value RR.

c=H(XR+Tm)c = H(X \mathbin\Vert R + T \mathbin\Vert m)

Also remember that we defined ee' to be the multiplication of the challenge cc with the private key xx added to the nonce rr.

e=r+cxe' = r + cx

Note that according to the regular Schnorr Signature verification algorithm this partial signature is invalid (due to the usage of TT).

eG=?R+T+cX(r+cx)G=?rG+cxG=?R+cX\begin{aligned} e'G &\overset{?}{=} R + T + cX \\ (r + cx)G &\overset{?}{=} \\ rG + cxG &\overset{?}{=} \\ R + cX &\ne \end{aligned}

However, there’s a way to verify that the partial signature was computed correctly. As a first step, the value RR' is calculated as the multiplication of ee' with the generator GG subtracted from the multiplication of the challenge cc with the public key XX.

R=eGcXR' = e'G - cX

Next up, the value for the challenge cc' is calculated as follows.

c=H(XR+Tm)c' = H(X \mathbin\Vert R' + T \mathbin\Vert m)

We can then check if c=?cc' \overset{?}{=} c.

To see that this equality holds for correctly computed partial signatures we have to expand RR'.

R=eGcX=(r+cx)GcX=rG+cxGcX=R+cXcX=R+cXcX=R\begin{aligned} R' &= e'G - cX \\ &= (r + cx)G - cX \\ &= rG + cxG - cX \\ &= R + cX - cX \\ &= R + \cancel{cX} - \cancel{cX} \\ &= R \end{aligned}

As can be seen, the RR' value equals the RR value that was derived while computing the partial signature.

Given that c=H(XR+Tm)c' = H(X \mathbin\Vert R' + T \mathbin\Vert m) and R=RR' = R we can see that c=cc' = c.

c=?cH(XR+Tm)=H(XR+Tm)H(XR+Tm)=\begin{aligned} c' &\overset{?}{=} c \\ H(X \mathbin\Vert R' + T \mathbin\Vert m) &= H(X \mathbin\Vert R + T \mathbin\Vert m) \\ H(X \mathbin\Vert R + T \mathbin\Vert m) &= \end{aligned}


A partial signature can be adapted by adding the witness tt to ee'.

e=e+t=r+cx+t\begin{aligned} e &= e' + t \\ &= r + cx + t \end{aligned}

By doing so, this turns the partial signature into a full signature that verifies according to the Schnorr Signature verification algorithm.

eG=?R+T+cX(r+cx+t)G=rG+cxG+tG=R+cX+T=R+T+cX=\begin{aligned} eG &\overset{?}{=} R + T + cX \\ (r + cx + t)G &= \\ rG + cxG + tG &= \\ R + cX + T &= \\ R + T + cX &= \end{aligned}


Once the full signature is publicly shared, one can use the partial- and full signature to extract the witness tt.

t=ee=e+te=e+te=t\begin{aligned} t &= e - e' \\ &= e' + t - e' \\ &= \cancel{e'} + t - \cancel{e'} \\ &= t \end{aligned}


The following resources have been invaluable for me to learn the concepts discussed in this article.

You should definitely give them a read if you want to dive deeper into the topic.